
Cartea amãgirilor - English translation unavailable

English translation unavailable, except chapter 5

Cartea amãgirilor
Prima editie: Bucuresti, Editura "Cugetarea", 1936

“How to escape time? Whereas, speaking of realism, the recurrent claim in Cioran is this one: “we are going to die,” prophetically he is more interested in how one does it. The modality of death, as that which can be perceived as taken out of time, or rather that should be the aim of everyone—vanquish death out of time, as it were—is clearly a topic that is for Cioran not only much more fascinating than stating the obvious, but also one that borders on an attempt to write for and on the surface of things, not their depth. Space, in other words, is the big thing. It unfolds more authentically than time because it is not bound to any linear experience.”

Translation of Cartea amãgirilor (The Book of Delusions), the entire chapter 5.
Hyperion, Journal of Philosophy and Art, 2010
Translated by Camelia Elias