On the Heights of Despair (1934)
Cartea amãgirilor
Schimbare la faţă a României
English translation unavailable - (1936)
Tears and Saints (1937)
Amurgul găndurilor
English translation unavailable - (1940)
Îndreptar påtimas
English translation unavailable - (1941/1944)
A Short History of Decay
All Gall is Divided
The Temptation to Exist
History and Utopia
The Fall into Time
Cahier de Talamanca
English translation unavailable - (1966)
The New Gods
The Trouble With Being Born
Drawn and Quartered
Anathemas and Admirations
English translation unavailable - (1995)
Anthologie du portrait - De Saint-Simon à Tocqueville
Notebooks (1957/1972)
Searching for Cioran
Ilinca Zarifopol-Johnston and Kenneth R. Johnston
An Infamous Past : E.M. Cioran and the Rise of Fascism in Romania
Marta Petreu
Essays on E. M Cioran - 1999
Aleksandra Gruzinska
The Temptations of Emile Cioran
William Kluback and Michael Finkenthal
Suicide in French Thought from Montesquieu to Cioran
Zilla Gabrielle Cahn
Cioran - Amazon UK